Chaos Engineering - Briefed

Chaos Engineering - Briefed

Dec 12, 2022 02:06 PM
Last Updated
Last updated April 13, 2023
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Chaos engineering is the practice of intentionally introducing failures into a system to test its resilience and ability to recover. The goal of chaos engineering is to identify potential failures and weaknesses in a system before they occur in the real world, where they can cause significant damage and disruption.
The origins of chaos engineering can be traced back to the early days of computer science, when researchers and engineers began to explore the behavior of complex systems. One of the key pioneers in this field was John Conway, who developed the "Game of Life" in the 1970s. This simple simulation demonstrated how complex patterns and behaviors can emerge from simple rules and interactions.
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Since then, chaos engineering has evolved into a more formal discipline, with well-defined principles and practices. At its core, chaos engineering is about experimentation and learning. By intentionally causing failures and observing how a system responds, engineers can gain valuable insights into its behavior and resilience.

One of the key principles of chaos engineering is the idea of "controlled experiments." This means that failures are introduced into a system in a controlled and predictable manner, allowing engineers to carefully observe and measure the effects. This is in contrast to "uncontrolled" failures, which can occur randomly and cause unpredictable damage.
Another key principle of chaos engineering is the idea of "proactive" rather than "reactive" testing. This means that rather than waiting for a failure to occur in the real world, chaos engineering allows engineers to proactively identify potential failures and fix them before they cause any disruption.
There are many different techniques and tools that can be used for chaos engineering. One popular approach is the "game day" scenario, where a team of engineers simulates a disaster scenario and observes how the system responds. For example, a team might simulate a network outage, a server failure, or a power loss, and then observe how the system recovers.
Another approach is the use of "chaos monkeys" and other automated tools that can randomly introduce failures into a system. These tools can be configured to simulate different types of failures and can be run continuously, allowing engineers to gather data and identify potential weaknesses.
In general, chaos engineering is an important tool for improving the resilience and reliability of complex systems. By proactively testing and identifying potential failures, engineers can ensure that their systems are able to withstand real-world disasters and continue to function properly.


Chaos at an E-Commerce company

Imagine that you are the lead engineer at a large e-commerce company. Your company relies on a complex network of servers, databases, and other infrastructure to handle millions of transactions every day.
One day, you receive a report of a potential weakness in your system. It seems that under certain conditions, one of your databases could become overloaded and crash, potentially disrupting your entire system.
You know that you need to fix this problem, but you also know that making changes to a live system can be risky. If something goes wrong, it could cause significant damage and disruption to your customers and your business.
That's where chaos engineering comes in. You decide to use chaos engineering techniques to test the resilience of your system and identify potential weaknesses.
First, you and your team plan a "game day" scenario. You decide to simulate a network outage and observe how your system responds. You carefully plan the details of the experiment and make sure that you have the necessary tools and resources in place.
Next, you execute the experiment. You simulate the network outage and watch as your system automatically redirects traffic to other servers and databases. You carefully observe the behavior of your system and take detailed notes on how it responds to the simulated failure.
After the experiment is complete, you and your team analyze the data and identify potential areas for improvement. You also use the information you gathered to develop new strategies and processes for improving the resilience of your system.
Thanks to chaos engineering, you were able to proactively identify and fix a potential weakness in your system. This not only protects your business and your customers, but it also gives you confidence that your system can withstand real-world failures and continue to operate reliably.
Chaos engineering is an essential tool for ensuring the reliability and resilience of complex systems like the one at your e-commerce company. By intentionally introducing failures and observing how a system responds, engineers like you can identify potential weaknesses and fix them before they cause any damage or disruption.


References and Examples

Chaos engineering is the practice of intentionally introducing failures into a system to test its resilience and ability to recover. Some common tools and techniques used in chaos engineering include:
  • Simulating network partitions or delays
  • Injecting random errors or exceptions into system components
  • Killing or restarting processes or servers
  • Changing system configurations or settings
    Here are a few references that provide more information about chaos engineering: