Let's Learn: Terraform
Let's Learn: Terraform

Let's Learn: Terraform

May 29, 2022 03:51 AM
Last Updated
Last updated June 2, 2022
Current 👍
A deep dive into Terraform. It's components, workflow, expressions, state data, functions, workspaces and more.

What is Terraform?

  • Terraform is an Infrastructure Automation tool.
  • It is Open Source and Vendor Agnostic.
  • It is a Single binary compiled from Go.
  • It follows Declarative syntax.
  • It uses HashiCorp Configuration Language(HCL) or JSON.
  • Deployment is push based.

Core Components

  • Executable
    • Can be downloaded from official Terraform webpage.
  • Configuration files
  • Provider plugins
  • State data

Terraform Code Components

  • It can be divided into 3 parts:
    • Inputs - Terraform gets input by leveraging variable(s).
    • Outputs - The data in the output block is printed to screen.
    • Logic - Your IaC.

Object Types

  • Providers
  • Resources
  • Data sources

Terraform Syntax

  • HashiCorp uses Block syntax
block_type "label" "name_of_label" { key = "value" nested_block{ key = "value" } }


  • terraform init
    • Looks for configuration files in current working directory and examines them. If they need any provider plugins, it will search in public Terraform registry unless any specified location provided.
    • Terraform needs to store data of configuration somewhere as part of init process. A state data file will be created in current directory unless any specified backed it created or pointed.
    • When init completes, infrastructure is ready to be deployed.
  • terraform plan
    • This step is optional.
    • It will look current configuration i.e. contents of state data and determine the difference. Then it draws a plan for Target environment to match the desired configuration.
  • terraform apply
    • It will build our desired configuration in Target environment.
  • terraform destroy
    • It will bring down the infrastructure of desired configuration in Target environment.

Terrafrom variable

  • Variable declaration
variable "name_of_variable" {}
  • Variable definition
variable "name_of_variable" { type = value description = "value" default = "value" sensitive = true or false }
  • Example
variable "device_name" { type = string description = "Provides the Device name" default = "computer" sensitive = true }
  • type - Data type
  • Description - Context for the user. It will be displayed when the user encountered an error.
  • default - This value will be considered if no value has been provided.
  • sensitive - If it is 'true', data will not be printed in logs or terminal. If 'false', vice versa. Default sticks to 'false'.
  • Referencing a variable
  • Example
  • Hierarchy
    • For variable(s) data or value, Terraform designed a precedence chart.
    • Precedence
      • Environment variable(s) > .tfvars (or) .tfvars.json > .auto.tfvars (or) .auto.tfvars.json > -var-file flag > - var flag > CLI

Terraform Data Types


  • string
  • number
    • integer
    • decimal


  • true
  • false


  • list
    • Enclosed with [ ]
    • Example
    • [1,2,3] ["Mobile", "Computer", "Laptop"]

Variable reference

  • Example
variable "list_of_device_types"{ type = list(string) description = "Provides list of device types" default = ["Mobile","Computer","Laptop"] }
  • Syntax
    • var.<name_of_variable>[<element_number>]
  • Example
    • var.list_of_device_types[0]
    • For accessing first element in list. Likewise for other elements accessing.


  • Same syntax as list and do not hold duplicates.


  • Enclosed with { }
  • Example
{ India = "Delhi" USA = "Washigton" Canada = "Ottawa" }

Variable reference

  • Example
variable "capitals"{ type = map(string) description = "Provides captials for countries." default = { India = "Delhi" USA = "Washigton" Canada = "Ottawa" } }
  • Syntax
var.<name_of_variable>.<name_of_the_key> // OR var.<name_of_the_variable>["name_of_the_key"]
  • Example
    • var.capitals.India or var.capitals["India"]
    • For accessing first element in map. Likewise for other elements accessing.


  • type
  • object

Terrafrom Locals

  • Values provides in locals are computed inside the configuration and cannot be passed as parameter during runtime.
  • Syntax
locals{ key : "value" }
  • Example
locals{ name_of_the_company = "ThunderWonder" }
  • Referencing locals

Terraform Output

  • Output values are extracting information from Terraform.
  • Output is printed to terminal screen at the end of configuration execution.
  • It also exposes values when a configuration is placed inside a module.
  • Syntax
output "name_of_the_variable"{ value = output_to_be_exposed description = string sensitive = true | false } // Example output "selected_device"{ value = var.list_of_device_types[0] description = "Prints selected device(s). }
Tip: If you want to validate your Terraform code. Type terraform validate.
  • First run terraform init.
  • terraform validate will check for your syntax and logic.
  • It will not guarantee for successful deployment.

Terraform State Data

  • It stored in JSON format
    • Important: It should not be modified. To work with State Data, we can use State commands.
  • It contains Resource Mapping and metadata.
  • It can be stored in:
    • Local (Default, by name terraform.tfstate)
    • Remote (Basically Cloud Providers)
      • Ex: AWS, Azure, Terraform Cloud, etc.
  • State Commands
    • terraform state list
      • To list all state resources.
    • terraform state show <ADDRESS>
      • To show a specific resource.
      • Example :
      • terraform state show module web_app_s3.aws_s3_bucket.web_bucket
    • terraform state mv SOURCE DESTINATION
      • To move an item in state file.
    • terraform state rm <ADDRESS>
      • To remove an item in state file.
      • Example:
      • terraform state rm module web_app_s3.aws_s3_bucket.web_bucket
    • terraform state pull
      • Output current state to stdout.
    • terraform state push
      • Update remote state from local.

Terraform Providers

  • It contains Public & Private registries.
  • Registries types are:
    • Official
      • Maintained by HashiCorp.
    • Verified
      • Maintained by Third Party and verified by HashiCorp.
    • Community
      • Maintained by Individuals in Community and not verified.
  • Providers are Open Source and written in Go Lang.
  • It has Resources and Data Sources.
  • Providers are versioned.

Terraform Block Syntax

  • It is used for configuring General Settings of Terraform Configuration like,
    • Version
    • Backend Settings for State Data
    • Required Provider Plugins
    • Provider metadata
    • Experimental features
  • Syntax
terraform{ requried_providers { provider_name = { source = "provider's_address" version = "version_expression" } } } // Example terraform{ requried_providers { aws = { source = "hashicorp/aws" version = "=3.0" } } }

Terraform Looping Constructs

  • count
    • Takes integer and used as iterator.
    • index is used to keep track of count.
    • Example
    • resource "aws_instance" "web_app_server"{ count = 3 tags = { Name = "web-app-Instance-${count.index} } }
    • Referring single instance
      • <resource_type><name_of_the_variable>[element].<attribute>
    • Referring all the instances
    • <resource_type><name_of_the_variable>[*].<attribute>
    • for_each
      • used to for iterating Map or set/list.
      • Example
      • resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "website_content"{ for_each = { app_logo = "app-logo.png" main_page = "index.html" } key = each.value source = "${each.value}" }
    • Dynamic block
      • used to for iterating Map or set/list.

      Terraform Inbuilt Functions

    • Numeric Functions
    • String Functions
    • Collection Functions
    • Encoding Functions
    • Filesystem Functions
    • Date and Time Functions
    • Hash & Crypto Functions
    • IP Network Functions
    • Type Conversion Functions
    • You can play around with in-built functions. Type terraform console and test it out.
    • Example
    • notion image
    • Check out Terraform Functions documentation for respective function methods, and it's usage.
    • Note: Terraform does not support for User-defined functions.

Terraform FOR Expression

  • Input type:
    • List, Set, Tuple, Map or, Object.
  • Result type:
    • Tuple or Object
  • Filtering is possible by leveraging if statement.
  • Examples
    • Tuple
      • Syntax
        • [for item in items : tuple_element] // Example locals{ devices = ["Mobile", "Laptop", "Tablet"] } [for device in local.devices : "Awesome-${device}"]
      • Result
      • notion image
    • Object
      • Syntax
      • {for key, value in map : obj_key => obj_value} // Example locals{ type_of_device{ Mobile = "compact" Laptop = "productive" } } {for key, value in local.type_of_device : key => upper(value)}
      • Result
      • notion image

        Terraform Workspaces

      • Terraform creates a initial workspace for us called default.
      • It cannot be deleted.
      • We can create workspace(s) per our requirement and management.
        • Management like
          • State management
          • Variable values
          • Credential management, etc.
      • workspace commands
        • terraform workspace list - To show all existing workspaces.
        • terraform workspace select <workspace_name> - To switch to desired workspace.
        • terraform workspace new <workspace_name> - To create & switch to new workspace.
        • terraform workspace delete <workspace_name> - To delete existing workspace.
        • terraform workspace show - To print current working workspace.
        • Example
          • notion image